The best damn fantasy hockey guide on the market is now in its 19th year. Updated frequently throughout the fall and through training camp! Your losing streak stops NOW. This product is not mailed, you download it. (“Downloads” link in main menu). Don't wait - order now! Included: Fantasy Guide is a PDF and the Draft List is a Spreadsheet.
Le meilleur guide de hockey pour poolers sur le marché en est à sa 18e année et est mis à jour régulièrement jusqu’à l’ouverture de la nouvelle saison! Ce produit est disponible pour téléchargement. Il n’est pas envoyé par la poste, il faut le télécharger via le lien ‘Downloads’ dans le menu principal du site Web DobberSports.com.
Take Dobber's Draft List to another level. Customize your list based on the size of your league, your needs for each position, as well as the weighting of each scoring category. Dobber's projections are the best in the business, but how do they fit your specific league setup? We have done the work so you don't have to. The Draft Kit is built around the Customized Player Projections which takes whichever projections you choose (i.e. Dobber’s, or the last three-years averaged, or last season’s stats, etc.) and fits them to your league’s categories, roster rules (i.e. positional scarcity) and ranks them. We also have a Draft Guru tool as a bonus, which provides advice on what players are the best fit for your team as the draft unfolds. There's simply no better way to get ahead at the draft. *Get Coupon Code Below!*
The best damn fantasy hockey guide on the market is now in its 18th year. Updated frequently throughout the fall and through training camp! Your losing streak stops NOW. This product is not mailed, you download it. (“Downloads” link in main menu). Don't wait - order now! Included: Fantasy Guide is a PDF and the Draft List is a Spreadsheet.
Le meilleur guide de hockey pour poolers sur le marché en est à sa 18e année et est mis à jour régulièrement jusqu’à l’ouverture de la nouvelle saison! Ce produit est disponible pour téléchargement. Il n’est pas envoyé par la poste, il faut le télécharger via le lien ‘Downloads’ dans le menu principal du site Web DobberSports.com.
A Draft List spreadsheet - for those who don't read Fantasy Guides and just want the projections. Updated frequently throughout the fall and through training camp! Your losing streak stops NOW. This product is not mailed, you download it. (“Downloads” link in main menu). Don't wait - order now! Included: the Draft List is a Spreadsheet.
The best damn fantasy hockey guide on the market is now in its 17th year. Updated frequently throughout the fall and through training camp! Your losing streak stops NOW. This product is not mailed, you download it. (“Downloads” link in main menu). Don't wait - order now! Included: Fantasy Guide is a PDF and the Draft List is a Spreadsheet.WARNING:This is last year's guide.
This year's guide is -
The best damn fantasy hockey guide on the market is now in its 16th year. Updated frequently throughout the fall and through training camp! Your losing streak stops NOW. This product is not mailed, you download it. (“Downloads” link in main menu). Don't wait - order now! Included: Fantasy Guide is a PDF and the Draft List is a Spreadsheet.
Le meilleur guide de hockey pour poolers sur le marché en est maintenant à sa 16e année. Publié le 3 septembre – il est à chaque année mis à jour fréquemment jusqu’à l’ouverture de la nouvelle saison ! Ce produit est disponible pour téléchargement. Il n’est pas envoyé par la poste, il faut le télécharger (voir le lien ‘Downloads’ dans le menu principal du site web DobberSports.com). Vous pouvez vous le procurer immédiatement dès sa sortie, aussitôt que l’annonce de sa disponibilité a été faite !